Quick Guides

The Quick Guide for the loggers is available in multiple languages. If you’ve translated the guide to another language please send it to in order to extend the list of available guides.


» 198.0 KiB - 2,987 hits - March 13, 2010
Quick Guide template in Castellano

» 215.0 KiB - 2,714 hits - August 25, 2013
Quick Guide template in German, Version 1.2.

» 212.0 KiB - 4,233 hits - August 25, 2013
Quick Guide template. Updated version 1.2.

» 220.5 KiB - 1,939 hits - March 10, 2013
Quick Guide template in Hungarian, Version 1.2.

» 223.5 KiB - 2,294 hits - May 24, 2013

» 216.5 KiB - 2,601 hits - September 15, 2010
Quick Guide template in Slovak

» 61.4 KiB - 3,951 hits - March 15, 2010