Author Archives: Marc Andre

A good first year of the Balloon Competition Loggers

It is now one year since the FAI/CIA decided to buy 40 loggers and take a further step in the logger project.

A lot of work has been done since then with finalizing paper work and implementing a lot of software. Late July 2009 the loggers were used successfully in their first event. No pilot GPS needed to be downloaded during the whole event. After a brief training, pilots got quickly used to the new functionality and the feedback was very good.

Up today, the loggers have been used at:

  • World Balloon Trophy 2009 Luxembourg
  • Spanish Nationals 2009
  • Slovak and Czech Nationals 2009
  • Portugal Iberia Cup 2009
  • Catalonia Championship 2010

The next major step for the logger project is to use them at the Europeans 2011 in Spain. We are convinced that further NACs join the project and invest in loggers for the FAI/CIA pool this year.

New BalloonLoggerManagement 1.1.0

I just uploaded the new BalloonLoggerManagement software (Release This version has the following new features:

  • Generate OziExplorer Waypoint files for dropped markers
  • Run batch mode for track file analyis. The batch mode generates a waypoint file for each IGC file and creates a Excel file with all declared goals

The software can be downloaded in the Official’s section